





trendethics creates Mekong Connection a collective of committed brands in South East Asia

16/03/2020 at 04:43

trendethics Creates a Collective of Committed Brands in South East Asia 

trendethics creates a collective of committed brands in South East Asia (Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam) with Krama Heritage, La Maison du Vietnam, Muudana, N’go Shoes et Soieries du Mékong.

Each of these 6 ethical and solidarity-based companies is promoting a fairer consumption for each of the producers, more respectful of our planet, and more measured in order not to overproduce. 

Mekong Connection allows to share experiences, projects and vision in order to join forces for a fairer and more sustainable world, especially in South East Asia.


6 French brands enhancing the crafts of South East Asia

Mekong Connection is a collective of French ethical brands committed to promoting the craftsmanship and ancestral know-how of Southeast Asian peoples. Intercultural exchange, valorization of local cultures, fair trade, a commitment to local populations through solidarity redistribution are values that are at the heart of the collective.

Each brand faces the same issues and situations in Southeast Asia but also in France. This is why it is beneficial to join forces to have a more lasting and global impact.


Krama Heritage, a traditional Cambodian scarf

@kramaheritage promotes Krama, the traditional Cambodian scarf, which has been handed down as a cultural heritage for centuries.

Krama Heritage is committed to the local economy in Cambodia: this elegant handcrafted scarf is made in an ethical and fair way in the pure Cambodian tradition, while supporting the NGO Pour un Sourire d'Enfant, which works for education in Cambodia.

La Maison du Vietnam, specialities from Vietnam

@lamaisonduvietnam reaches out to small producers in Vietnam and highlights their work, their know-how and their products. Discover the traditional Vietnamese roasted cà phê, teas of wild origin and centenary of ethnic minorities as well as other delicatessen products online. 


Muudana, ethical and responsible clothing

@muudana.consciousfashion is inspired by the traditional skills of Southeast Asia to create modern and elegant clothing for men and women. 

Traditional hand-woven fabrics are enhanced by original details and clean cuts. 

Each creation combines traditional know-how, eco-design and fair trade manufacturing for minimum environmental impact and maximum social impact. 

N’go shoes, trendy and handmade sneakers

@ngoshoes is the brand of sneakers that supports the traditional know-how of Vietnamese craftsmen from ethnic minorities, while financing the construction of schools in disadvantaged villages in North Vietnam. Each sneaker has its traditional Vietnamese design.

Soieries du Mékong, "Behind every scarf, a woman's story."

At the confluence of Cambodian and French cultures, Soieries du Mékong reveals the exceptional and ancestral know-how of the weavers of Bantey Chhmar.

The story of @SoieriesduMekong is a journey. Since 2001, these silk scarves, designed in France and hand-woven in Cambodia, symbolize the meeting between these two creative activities. Its story is also one of patience, precision and delicacy. Each scarf requires between 8 and 12 hours of weaving to obtain a unique effect. Finally, its story is one of commitment. Every year, Soieries du Mékong trains new Cambodian craftswomen in order to maintain their art.


trendethics, ethnic woven cushions to travel from home

@trendethics offers collections of ethical and solidarity cushions woven by ethnic groups from South East Asia. TrendEthics supports 8 ethnic groups in the creation (Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam) and development (Laos) of a local weaving activity in order to preserve know-how and activities in the villages. Profits from cushion sales are used to finance local projects of education, environment and empowerment !

Each cushion invites you to travel with traditional patterns of the ethnic group that wove it.


Proving that an ethical way of life is possible

Finding beautiful products that have a history and are fair trade or responsibly produced at an affordable price is not easy.

For example, between Made in France cushions offered at several hundred euros, far from being suitable for all budgets, and cushions produced on the other side of the world in deplorable working conditions... Consumers often have the feeling that they are stuck in their choices.

Mekong Connection wishes to offer to the public trendy, original, timeless, quality and above all, responsible products. Transparency is therefore essential so that customers know when, where, how and by whom our products are made.

Each brand is committed to a charter

Each brand is committed to a common charter in order to move in the same direction, namely the promotion of craftsmanship, traditional Asian know-how and the inclusion of local actors in our projects.

Article 1 : Social entrepreneurship

We are committed to promoting social entrepreneurship through our business: making profit a means, not an end in itself for social and/or environmental ends.

Article 2 : Integrity et transparency

Integrity must be the basis for all decisions and practices of our brands. The durability and quality of relationships with partners (suppliers, brands) is based on a relationship of trust and transparency towards customers.

Article 3 : Respect of human rights

We act with respect for everyone's rights, dignity, skills and traditions. Each individual must receive a fair remuneration with the assurance of working in dignified conditions.

Article 4 : Interaction with local communities

Our actions respect the culture and customs of each local community.

We try to source raw materials, labels, packaging... locally, whenever possible, to participate in local development and reduce the carbon footprint.

Article 5 : Respect for the environment

The project acts in a perspective of respect for the environment, sustainable development and optimal allocation of natural resources.

The team is committed to favour non-polluting or low-polluting means for its business trips. Products are transported by sea rather than by air as much as possible.